Sunday 16 September 2012

Don't Look A (Tarot) Gift Horse In The Mouth!

You know, you can overdose on Tarot. Do so many readings that they all become meaningless. It's a bit addictive. Like having a hotline to The Source Of All Things that you can't stop pumping for information.
I am particularly susceptible to this danger after a relationship break-up and always know I have crossed the line when The Devil card keeps popping up. The Devil is for losers. For those who want someone (i.e. Tarot) to fix their problems rather than doing it themselves. For those who don't want to face reality. (Despite this, I'm quite fond of The Devil card, grateful even, but I'll leave the explanation as to why for another post.)
In my experience the best way to use Tarot is to do readings only when you feel a real need. You'll know when. And if you are doing readings everyday, which is good practice when you start out, just don't expect them to be deeply significant ones.
Have you ever looked a Tarot Gift Horse in the mouth like me?

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