Friday 26 October 2012

The Tarot Of T.G.I.F.

I had that darn Katy Perry song 'Last Friday Night' stuck in my head for months this year. You know, the one that has a chorus singing T.G.I.F. T.G.I.F. T.G.I.F. louder and louder. Well, after a week back at work, I couldn't agree with that lyric more. So just for fun I thought I'd explore the Tarot of Thank God It's Friday.
This is how I normally feel by Friday...
The Ten of Swords i.e. Slaughtered.
This is how I feel when the school bell rings on Friday afternoon...
The Fool i.e. The world is at my feet (or the weekend at least.) Yee-ha!
This is what I do on Friday night...
The Three of Cups i.e. Celebrate. Although while Katy is dancing on tabletops and drinking shots my idea of a great time is lying in bed with a good book and a cup of tea. Maybe a bit of catching up on TV over the internet if I really want to live on the wild side, lol (I know, I know, I lol way too much but I find life hilarious, that is, when it's not giving me panic attacks.)
This is the gift the weekend offers...
The Star i.e. A holiday from responsibility. A retreat to the sanctuary of home (or pub, whichever!)
Can anyone relate?

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