Today we're going to explore what The Tower + The Six of Cups signify when they turn up together in a reading. Let's look first at the shades of meaning each card carries.
The Tower: Reaching breaking point. Having a breakthrough. A dramatic shift in circumstance. Being blasted out of your comfort zone. Being woken up. Destruction. Your foundations being shaken. Enlightenment.
The Six of Cups: First love. Living the fairytale. Living in a fantasy world. Being delusional. A person or event from the past.
Note: The order the cards appear in affects the message you're being given.
The Tower + The Six of Cups:
Someone breaks up with you but you refuse to accept it.
Breaking up with someone and running home to your parents.
Experiencing a difficult life event which makes you delusional.
Receiving money from someone out of the blue and using it to fund your dream life.
The Six of Cups + The Tower:
Breaking up with your first love.
Meeting up with someone from your past which triggers a revelation about yourself or your past.
Being delusional which results in a serious incident.
A fantasy novel you've written gets published.
Any other suggestions?
I got the reversed 6 of cups with the tower upright what could that mean?