I have to attend a long meeting after work tomorrow and already my spirits are sinking at the thought. So just to amuse myself (and hopefully you too) I thought I'd contemplate the Tarot of meetings.
The Eight of Pentacles = Meetings in general.
A man carves out a series of pentacles one after another. This seems to be the most likely Tarot equivalent to a meeting scenario. (Please correct me if you have other ideas. As I keep saying I want this to be a conversation not a monologue. You can spend a lifetime studying the cards and still not know everything. I learn things all the time about the cards just like you are.)
The Eight of Pentacles + The Seven of Swords = This is me tomorrow night pretending to listen whilst really shopping for school, surfing the net or writing my next post. Ha!
The Eight of Pentacles + The Knight of Swords = The fella up the back of the room jiggling his legs impatient for the damn thing to be over.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Fool = The first meeting ever for a group.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Four of Wands = Meeting to plan a wedding or some other celebratory occasion.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Eight of Wands = The dream meeting! Lots of stuff gets done quickly. Not what I'm expecting tomorrow night however :(
The Eight of Pentacles + The Six of Wands = Scoring a win at a meeting.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Five of Swords = Being bullied at a meeting. Or maybe being the bully. Depends which person in the card you gravitate to most.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Four of Pentacles = Someone being a tightarse with the budget.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Eight of Swords = Being unable to come to a decision.
The Eight of Pentacles + The Ten of Swords = A meeting where you've lost the will to live. That's pretty much my experience every time. He he!
What about you? Which card combination would encapsulate the way you experience meetings? Please share.
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